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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wishes..and arrival

Dear My Valued Customers,

" SeLaMaT BeRpUaSa dan SeLaMaT MeNyAmBuT RaMaDhaN"

Fazelina - Aigner Yellow Wedges-CD 161449025 MY
Zura - Aigner Stella Sport Black - Send by hand
Mazuin - Aigner Winslow Satchel Purple-CD 161449011 MY
Nadhia - Aigner Stella Satchel Saddle - CD 161449008 MY
Nadhia - Aigner Stella Wallet ivory - CD 161449008 MY
Azira - Send by hand
Naqiya - Aigner Savannah Handbag - CD 161448991 MY 
Nadhia - Tommy Hillfiger Small Tote - CD 161448974 MY
Ms Rifhan - Aigner Stella Satchel - Saddle - CD 161448988 MY
Ms Azi - Aigner Athena Wallet - Black - CD 161448965 MY
Nadhia - Aigner Athena Wallet - Black - CD 161448974 MY
Ms Sha Aigner Athena Signature - Send by hand
Ms Sha - Aigner Monterey Tote -
Send by hand
Ms Rosmizan - Aigner Stella Satchel - Saddle - CD 166199695 MY
Ms Amy -
Aigner Monterey Tote - Natural - CD 161444765 MY

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