ShOpPiNg WiTh pLeAsUrE !

Online Shopping With Style....

"ShOpPiNg WiTh pLeAsUrE" offers you a brand name fashion with affordable price. Most of the items are imported from United Stated and all prices stated is including the shipping cost from U.S.

"ShOpPiNg WiTh pLeAsUrE" trying it's best to present to you with the best and hottest deal in the town. Our E-Boutique is opening 24 hours a day for every single enjoy your shopping day!

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Moving To A New Online Mall..

Dear My Friends & Customer,

ShOpPiNg pLeAsUrE is moving to a new WebMall starting 20th January 2010. This upgrading will give a  more pleasure and friendly shopping environment to you.

Do visit us at:

' LIKE ' us at Facebook:

to get 
(west Malaysia only)

Thank You for your warmth support to us!

ShOpPiNg pLeAsUrE

1 comment:

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