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Monday, December 27, 2010

Book : Townscape Revisited ~ RM70

Townscape Revisited ~ RM70
Unraveling the Character of the Historic Townscape in Malaysia
This book examines the concept of townscape in relation to urban design, clearly outlining the inter relationship between townscape and the other important concepts in urban design such as identity, image and sense of place. The subject dealt with includes the approach to conducting a townscape appraisal and the criteria use to examine the townscape quality, the physical components that constitute the townscape, the influence of human activities to the townscape qualities and the role of meanings in making the townscape memorable. Reference is made in various chapters to the historic townscape of the major cities in Malaysia in order to illustrate the qualities discussed.

The aim of the book is to highlight the unique townscape qualities of these cities and how they influence the overall character of the cities. The book ends by highlighting the prospects and the threats to the historic townscape in keeping up with the pressure for development and rapid urbanization rate. This book tries to instill an awareness of the value of the historic townscape of Malaysia and to evoke a sense of pride of this urban heritage in order to safeguard them from further destruction in the future.

Shuhana Shamsuddin is an Associate Professor at the College of Science and Technology, University Teknologi Malaysia International Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She obtained her Doctor of Philosophy for her research in the field of Urban Design from the University of Nottingham under the supervision of Emeritus Professor J.C Moughtin, the acclaimed author of many Urban Design books in U.K. She teaches urban design to both Planning and Architecture students at the both undergraduate and post graduate leves in UTM. She was a recipient of the Royal Town Planning Institute Prize for Academic Excellence during her students days and has won a bronze medal for her research on "Socially Conducive Campus Environment" in an International R&D Expo held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She has published papers both locally a d internationally based on her research works in urban design issues funded by MOSTI and MOHE. She has been featured as one of the distinctive Malaysian women researcher in a poster exhibition on "Women  and Science" organized by National Science Centre of Malaysia and is included in the Marquis Who's Who in the World 2010, U.S.A.

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